Anatomy of the Soul

Author: Aryeh ben Abraham | Filed under: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Anatomy of the Soul

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

By Chaim Kramer and Avraham Sutton

Publisher: Breslov Research Institute, 1998

Throughout Biblical, Talmudic and Midrashic literature mention is made of various G-dly powers that the human being possesses. But it is the Kabbalah which explains the creation of the world within the Vacated Space, the formation of the Supernal Universes, the Diving Persona and the Ten Sefirot. Anatomy of the Soul explores these ideas and the spiritual and mystical powers of man in a practical manner. It provides a study of each aspect of the human body: the Skeletal and Muscular systems, the Circulatory and Respiratory system, the Reproductive Systems, etc. showing how they relate to the Ten Sefirot, the five levels of the soul and the power of control that a physical person can have upon the hidden spiritual universes.(450 Pages)


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Chaclacayo, Lima, Peru
I believe in Divine Providence applying to me personally and that everything that happens to me comes from G_d and that I have been given the opportunity to fulfill G_d’s commands makes me as happy as if I had won a fortune. My only ambition is to give pleasure to the Creator and want to relate to my fellow-man or woman only with loving kindness.
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