Faith and Divine Providence

Author: Aryeh ben Abraham | Filed under: , , , , , ,

By Rabbi Chaim Friedlander.

Faith and Divine Providence - Sifsei Chaim: A Guide to Hashgachah: Understanding G-d's Supervision of the World by Rabbi Chaim Friedlander zt'l, primary disciple of Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler.

The first of the new Sifsei Chaim series on the lessons given by Rabbi Chaim Friedlander, this book focuses on issues of trust and faith versus the personal efforts a person must make, Divine intervention and guidance on the general and national levels, and the role of fate and fortune.

HaRav Chaim Friedlander - renowned Mashgiach, co-editor of Michtav Me-Eliyahu, and expert on the works of the Ramchal, is perhaps best known for his Sifrei Sifsei Chaim, presenting a Torah outlook on a wide range of hashkafah issues.
Faith & Divine Providence, the second volume in this series to appear in English, addresses the many facets of HaShem's supervision over the world. Discussing basic concepts such as hishtadlus, bitachon, hashgacha klalis & pratis, he'aras & hester panim, mazal, keli, and more, it provides readers with an essential foundation relating to the marvels and intricacies of how this wondrous world is run.
Presented in an elegant, easy-to-read, bi-lingual edition, this remarkable sefer will inform, enrich, inspire and enlighten you with a new understanding and appreciation for the Torah's timeless teachings.

Feldheim, hardcover, 491 pages. Vowelized Hebrew with English facing.

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Chaclacayo, Lima, Peru
I believe in Divine Providence applying to me personally and that everything that happens to me comes from G_d and that I have been given the opportunity to fulfill G_d’s commands makes me as happy as if I had won a fortune. My only ambition is to give pleasure to the Creator and want to relate to my fellow-man or woman only with loving kindness.
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